Let us watch this funny movie together and after watching please do some review on it.
You can write about the characters involved and about the part they played.
Write also on the language they are trying to say but were pronounced wrongly.
All the best everyone.
Enjoy yourselves ya.
i am jian xiang the movie is funny , people with different culture and with different mother-tongue.They haver their own understanding about english.Sometime they do not know the word and only can can express the word through gesture. Sometimes they just combine two word to express the meaning and it is so funny.I cannot stop laughing 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
In this world there are many languages that we need to learn and this video shows us how many ethich try to learn the univerese languages that is English.From this video we can see that when we dont have many vocabulary,then the meaning of the word that try to tell will be misunderstood.For example,whem the teacher explain about gender and the pakistan student understand the meaning in other ways.
My opinion on this movie is it is a great way to approach people to learn about English language. It is beacause people love comedy movie. So it will entertain people but at the same time can teach us a thing or two about English language.
Im wan m4t4 , in my opinion this movie is really funny because of the efforts of the actors to film it successfully and really make it great .
However , the lesson that i can learn from this movie is always be confident to speak other language without thinking about other people criticism. Thus , it boost my confident to speak fluently in english at any time .. ^_^
Hi, I am Raihana. The movie is funny but I think the main point of the movie is to tell people how important the learning English. Even though we came from different country, we should learn English to easily communicate with other people. Other than that, we should be confident to speak. But I think overall the movie give a lot of moral to people.
The movie that has been shared, presents the story of students that attend their english class from many country to learn english eventho they cannot speak english properly. The students always miss understand the meaning of what their teacher say and also speak in english with their country dialect which is confusing. The movie also very entertaining to watch as it is commedy . The film provides a good examples such as dont give up to learn english eventho you are aged.
Well the movie is so funny because they try to communicate using English word but in the end they just said the word that has similar sound.The scene where the senior ask "what is this?(milk)" and one of the student said "ouh, that's a cow juice" was so hilarious.Also the scene where the Chinese student can't pronounce the word with R and the vowel sounds scene made me laugh so hard.This teach us to learn English very well .(Alif b2t2)
I’m saffiya.. I love how each person try to communicate using the only words they know. The ‘opposite of bitter’ just had me cackling. The words the used were not offensive and it is actually funny. I think they should release a latest series just like this movie. And I am sure people will like them.
First of all, it was a little bit hard to understand their pronunciation because of their accent however I enjoyed it and there were lots of comedy scenes in the movie that I would like highlight. One of it was when Mr. Brown asked "how vowels sound like" then Ali responded by saying, "stomach rumbling". I thought I would not enjoy the movie because it is an old time movie. But I was wrong. It shows that we cannot judge a book by its cover.
The Tv serial is very interesting and funny because the characters are from different countries. They are trying to learn a formal english. Furthermore, I learn each character’s culture. When they talk to each other using their accent is most funniest part. On the other hand, the teachers tell them social manners and give them genaral knowledge. I recommend it to those who are learning english
Hi, this movie will definitely relax our mental and decrease our stress because of the funny scenes there. On the other side, this short movie will also reminds us to check our grammer and pronounciation while we speak english. This movie is a real example of fun learning😂👍
I am Farhan from B8T8. In my opinion, the movie is very hilarious and fun because of the interaction between the english teacher and his students who tried very hard to speak in english.However, their false pronounciation bring out different meaning which mke the scene very funny.Some of the words that wrong is born day which should be birthday. There is also a student who pronounce Professor as Professory. Some of the student also thought that catalyst is catholic when the teacher ask to give an example. As a closure, the relationship between students and teacher from different country really makes the atmosphere harmony and show that people from all over the world can get along with each other.
Im Kee Shi Sheng. I like that movie because it is funny and humor. I like the first scene that student greet to teacher with other language and teacher ask them to speak in english but finally he give up. I see that many people in different race and accent communicate together. It interesting.
Its such a funny clip. I the fact that everyone from different countries are learning a universal language. This show has also taught me to pronounce my words in a proper manner. This video is actually a fun way to learn english.
I'm Amirul.From the movie i learn how important english are to communicate with people around the world .However in the same movie we also can learn that people can communicate without expert in english thought there is misunderstanding .in conclusion, english language is important to communicate with others people but we can't condescending others who not expert or know well about english .We need to help each others without look there are
The comedians acted very well I like how they all have their own characters based on their origin country. Some of them have a hard time on pronouncing certain alphabets correctly like ‘r’,’a’ and many more. The most funny part is when the students are arguing with each other, their intonation are not that accurate but able to understand which make it funnier. The overall film was enjoyable.
I am Fitri from B8T8. The movie is very funny and i think this movie has a lot of hidden message that it want to convey the audience which is it's important learn the universal languages for us to communicate with other people that's from different country. The movie also shown that the people with different culture,language and religion had united with each other by communicating . This has strenghten the bond between us as a human that lives in this world. To be honest , this movie makes me want to improve my speaking in order not to be humilated in front of the other people .😂
Hii, I'm hakim from B8T8.i really enjoy watching this funny video,this movie really made my day��,it is interesting when the student and the teacher having fun and make their bond stronger��with hilarious things that they discuss,it is so release my stress watching this funny movie
I am Saw from B2T2. It’s definitely a hilarious movie. The characters were from different countries with different cultures and different languages. This caused them to speak English in different accents based on their own languages. I really enjoyed watching this short movie and really had a good laugh. I had a bit of difficulty in listening and figuring out what the characters were trying to say since most of their pronunciation was way off but I think that’s the main point of the movie. The title “mind your language” really does suit the theme of the plot and it shows the watchers how important to speak a language properly to avoid misunderstandings and how we should learn a language well to avoid getting ourselves in an awkward situation. For example near the end of the video, when Mr Brown was telling his students that he was fired, they couldn’t understand what he was trying to say which caused him to be in an awkward situation where he had to explain to them something sad while they thought it was funny.
I am Jia Qi from B2T2. First of all, I think this movie is entertaining and interesting. Although I was a little bit hard to understand their accent, I was enjoyed the movie. This movie teaches us English grammar and vocabularies as well as the pronunciation in a fun way. Besides, I learnt that we should be confident when speaking English and don’t give up to learn it.
This movie is absolutely hilarious! I can't imagine how the teacher could be so patient with his students, especially the Italian and Spanish men in his class. Overall, I enjoy this movie because it clearly helps me de-stress. Furthermore, I was fascinated to see how they were able to tolerate and communicate with one another despite the fact that they all came from different backgrounds and countries.
Im azim from B9T9.this movie can be the entertain for a student.it is not just a funny movie.from the movie we can get moral value like the teacher that need to patient cause of his student behaviour.i think this movie should to be highlighted for an English student.this movie can improve our speaking skill in english
I’ve heard about Mind Your Language from my parents since young. It is also used as a teaching and learning material by my secondary school teacher. This made learning language stress-free as it is literally the best comedy series i have ever watched in my entire life for English learning. The clashes between cultures are portrayed very well, with a touch of humour. It is so unique having a cultural cocktail, extremely hilarious, great acting from everyone with the best director and script writer. You can watch them over and over again and u going to laugh again and again. Even up to now there is no comedy show that can make me laughed but this. The simplicity and realistic of this series is unbelievably superb. I have never seen anything like this. This a very very high standard comedy.
Quentin M4
Hi I'm Liew from B9T9. The video is very funny and hilarious, it has made my day. I really love to watch comedy as it is one of the way for me to escape from the hectic study and revision. Thank you Ma'am for sharing the video. The video is about a lot of people that from different countries like Spain, Italy they study English and communicate in English together. My favourite scene is got one of the lecturer or professor birthday and the students wish him by saying "happy bornday" although it's quite make sense 🤣. In this video I can see that English is very important to learn and English is indeed the international language which help us to communicate with others although we came from different countries, have different mother tongue.
M4T4 , In my opinion , i think this movie was one of the educational comedy movie. It is because we can learn basic english things , such as words pronunciation in fun ways. For an example , the old guy pronounce fete , fate as a feet. 😂 It is important for us to learn english because of this language is one of the worldwide communication to communicate with peoples.
Lastly , we need to keep practicing our english as a communication language for ourselves.
Hi, my name is Ahmad Rafiq from B9T9 class. My review about the movie is we can know that there is many languages that we have around the world. It’s going to be hard if everyone communicate with their own language because surely not everyone have talent to talk in many languages.
Therefore, for ease everyone to communicate with each other, we should learn a main language that mostly everyone use around the world.
Other than that, we should learn every pronunciation, vocabularies and words that going to be use to prevent people to misunderstand what we mean by our words.
Furthermore, we should stay united as we stand at the same ground. We should not be racist and not respecting other religions to avoid arguments because everyone have their own trust.
Last but not least, the movie is very funny and have a lot of moral that we can learn in it. We should not really take the joke seriously because all of it is for fun and audience entertainment.
That’s all from me. I hope my review shows the purpose of the movie. Thank you.
Assalamualaikum i am Iskandar from B9T9. This movie really made my day because it had me busrt out a laughter quite a lot, especially Ali where his pronunciation was so hilarious and his joke was really over the moon. Nonetheless we can see that a group of people who age range from 20s to 50s with variety of race were learning english deligently with their teacher wich I suppose was a british person. Moreover they were quite a lot of pronunciation where it was very seldomly heard and was quite difficult to be use was shown in that movie. This has just light up the feeling to indulge more in the art of pronunciation
I am Razeem from B9T9. I'm amazed to see the character of the English teacher. He acted so well that makes me laugh. All of them also used different accent of English when speaking makes me difficult to understand initially. Some of the scene were related to my own life. The moral I got from the story was communicating become a keen tool for integration among people who staying in different country. This tells me how important is English language which is the International Language that allow all of us around the world to use one common language.
I'm Yeap Jiong Ming from B8T8. Basically, it is a sitcom that a teacher try to teach people which from different country, culture and religions English. There are people from China,Inida and France. In the class, they would try to use English in their own way. Their interactions is hilarious. The best part is the cow juice, it make sense 😂 Although it is a old movie, sometime the old comedy is the funniest.
I am Haikal B9T9. I'm think this is One of the best Comedy Series I have seen.When you hear the different characters speaking English in their own Nationality way, you keep laughing.My favorite scene is fighting with the different nationalities makes it more interesting.
I am syifa from B9T9. From the start of this video, it is funny how the guy in blue repeat the scene after his teacher tell him to talk in english since it was english class. After that, he is confused about what to write in the form & said have a problem when he just don't have a pen. I like the video because there's many of race in the class and they learn english together. To conclude, i think we need more comedy like this where different actor perform from different regions or race to make us unite.
Hi, I'm Yeoh Chong Chao from B9T9.I think that this movie is very funny and fun to watch. It really made my day.The characters were actually from different countries with different cultures and different languages. At first, it's quite difficult for me to understand some of their accents especially the accent of Spanish man. Through this movie, I've realized that how significant English is in our daily life. Not only that,this movie also helps me to understand the correct pronunciation of some words. That's all from me. Thank you.
Im Hasuna from b8t8.After i watched the movie,i found many mistake and error of their pronociations.But the mistake make it more funnier to watch and i laugh without hesitation.There are many errors of their grammar such as "happy for many returning" where there were scene that the indian man was wishing happy birthday to their proffessor.That's all.
Hi I'm emy from M4T4. Its an extremely humorous drama. Lighthearted comedy poking fun at students from different nationalities all trying to learn English culture and language. Very entertaining, its meant to be enjoyed without being politically correct. Futhermore, this series is very helpful to those who are newly learning English. 👍👍
Good Evening Mam,
This clip remains us to laugh in this stressful days…. It was really funny because of the way the characters pronounce the English word wrong yet correctly. Especially the Italian and French man duo… it was elite… and it also remain me of if we didn’t pronounce the English words correctly… it will change the attire meaning of the word 😂 thank you mam.
Hi madam, I’m Vicky from B8T8. I really enjoy this movie so much. Despite of being a comedy, it does convey many meaningful message in a funnier and more acceptable way. First and foremost, this movie involves actors from different races and different cultural backgrounds. We can see how people of different mother-tongues and cultures communicate and interact with each other and in my opinion, this is one of the most interesting part of the movie as it depicts to us that friendship and good cooperation can actually be formed in spite of the difference in skin colours.
Moreover, there’re some actors that wore their traditional costumes in the movie and I find it exciting to be exposed to the traditional costumes of the other races as well as the other countries which I seldom come into contact with in real life.
In addition, as English has become the lingua franca of today’s world, many people find it hard to learn and master English. However, in this movie, we can see that the characters in the movie were learning English in a happy and non-stressful environment and ambience and it does help to boost the confidence of the public in learning this language as they are not afraid of speaking with the “wrong” accents or making grammatical mistakes anymore. This is because Rome wasn’t built in a day and it takes time to excel in something new.
Last but not least, it also teaches us on the value of perseverance. There’re scenes in this movie that show how persevere and persistent people all across the globe in learning English and it actually motivates the audience to be more determined and never give up easily despite of the obstacles and adversities that they faced in their everyday lives.
That’s all from me. Thanks madam and have a nice day!
I am Loh Yi Han from B9T9. I have never watched this type of comedy before as my study environment didn’t show me the fun of learning but now I see. It is an excellent educational comedy which can make us laugh and enjoy while studying language. To tell a truth, I really like this kind of study environment in this video. It helps me more enjoyable in my class since sometimes the class is boring. In this video, I realise the pronouncement is very important as it will affect the meaning we try to express. Hence, I will try my best to learn language in different ways, enhancing my pronouncing skills. With great master in language, communication will be eased; thus, many opportunities no matter in career or study will be offered for us. Besides, many conflicts also occurs due to the misunderstanding between communication of different people with different cultures. For instance, in this video, the Italian always has conflicts with Spanishian during their communication in English. Both of them did not master English properly causing their bad pronouncement in English. Therefore, learning a language properly is beneficial to us. I would like to watch more related videos because it really helps me to find back the passion on learning languages. Lastly, thank you madam for giving me an opportunity to watch this video.
I am Sharvin from B9T9. To be honest, the movie is very funny. Actually, the main character is an English teacher who is trying his best on teaching English to his students, who are the supporting characters. The whole movie turned creatively thoughtful as the students are foreigners from different nations, who wanted to learn English as their second language. As I mentioned just now, it is "creatively thoughtful" because the way the movie beautifully expressed the difficulties faced by people from different nations in learning English and how they overcame it without giving up by correcting their mistakes with the help of the English teacher. The plot of the main character, The English teacher is quite attractive as he handled the students patiently and the passion of him for English and teaching. Obviously, I am amazed by how the characters carried their part very well on each scene. To be specific, I was amused, and I found it hilarious how the movie is incorporated with different accents and slangs of English of the students and turned it into comedy plot. At the same time, they also included some social issues indirectly in some of the scenes which is reflectively genius. In short, I can guarantee that the viewers will be enlightened with the importance of learning English and in other words, would be definitely helpful to those who want to learn English. Certainly, I cannot deny the fact that I learned few lessons from this movie. I would strongly recommend this movie, "Mind your language" to anyone from all age group as it is imperfectly funny and worth the movie time. Delicately, learning English is FUN.
heylo, I'm ainaa from m4t4. I really like this comedy. I guess this comedy made my day by laugh so hard when I watch this kind of comedy. Actually this is my first time watch short comedy like this. But at the same time, i learn new things such as moral value from this comedy. I think learn new language can gain our confident to talk in that language eventho we know we might wrong but it's okay at least we try to talk.last but not least, this comedy give a lot of motivation to me to speak in English.
Hello, i am Tai Chee Shen from b8t8. First of all, i really like this movie because the characters are very catching my eyes. Secondly, we can learn English from every country because the any country have difference English. After see this movie, i think i can try use this method to chat with my friend😂This because this method is very funny so we can chat with relax and i also can teach this method to my friend. I will recommend to my friend and my family. I think they will very happy.
Hi, my name is Syafiq from M4T4. This movie is about an English class that has a student from many country. It quite funny when the teacher need to correct all of the word that mispronounce by his student. Some of them that catch my attention is when someone said cow juice compared to milk and happy born day compared to happy birthday. I also like one of the characters in this movie which is the arabic guy. Personally, I think he is the funniest one. Even though this movie is in comedy genre, it still deliver it job to attract others to learn English in an interactive way. I hope this kind of movie can be improved more next time.
HI,Im Ayuni from B2T2.Firstly,this movie was very funny and can be watch by all ages.I really like watching all characters in this movie since they do their role really well .This movie can make us laugh just by watching their actions.This movie shows that a group of people from around the world wants to learn more about english.This movie also show how patience the teacher to teach them who have many attitude.Most of them speak in english using their accent and that's make hard to understand.They also need to learn how to pronouce the alphabet again.
Assalamuailkum. Im Khairul Nizam Bin Razlan from M4T4. For me, at the first scene, there was not beginning to pronoun mistakes but it was very funny because all the students in the class do not understand what to fill in the census form. At the second scene, Mr Brown what to ask about the pronouns words. A character named Cocky said the word "noun" is laddy who lives in a convent. But what he meant was the nun. Besides that, a character named Jamila said the plural of thief is robbers but the real thing is seeps. At the next scene, I saw some jokes when Mr Brown wanted to teach about talking about shopping buying things. The student was Suly who was not good at saying words that contain the "R" sound, for example "orange". And another character is to say that milk is cow juice. It is very touching and funny. Lastly, humor appears when a teacher wants his students to build a sentence with a few words, someone character makes a sentence from the word "catalyst". The student has misheard and mentioned that Roman Catholic is the most of people in his country, Spain. In conclusion, these sitcoms show the persistence of a teacher, Mr. Brown, to teach every student who is very annoying in the use of english language.That's was good for learning words in English.
Hi madam, I'm Lee Yi Lin from b8t8. Firstly I really like this movie because It was very funny and comedy. For me,to learn English is always by reading articles and do more exercise and now I like to study language by watching video. The characters are come from different countries with their differences mother language. Thus the interaction between them are comedy and intresting . Other than that ,I think that learning language is important and we need to learn more than one language so that we can easily communicate with others. as English is international language so we must enhanced our pronunciation and grammar. From the video, the characters are using their own pronunciation and grammar . it made each others misunderstood the meaning.But this video really bring fun and give me more confident to speak English. Lastly I will strongly recommend this video to our friends and family,,it was a good chance to learn languages and bring fun to them. I hope that will have many improvement after watching this video.
Hi and good evening, Madam Mas, I’m Chong Sheng Zhe from B2T2. First, I would like to say that I’m really like this movie. I watched with another two of my classmates and we enjoy watching it as it is classic-styled and comedic. The interaction between those people in the movie from different races speaking English is hilarious in this movie. I like Juan the most, he is funny with his ‘left feet, right feet’ joke, although he misunderstood the word. And also, the best part is the ‘Go back to Italy, you Italian spaghetti’ and ‘Ah shut up you big Spanish Omelette.’ That is freaking hilarious. In my point of view, I think this movie can somehow relate to our country Malaysia. In this diverse country, we need to learn and pronounce English as well as possible to communicate with each other and avoid misunderstanding. Lastly, I would recommend this movie my friends and hope this movie can bring joy to them and the same time boost up their interest towards English.
Hi, my name is atirah from c3t3 .First of all i really love this movie because of the interaction between student from different race and professor in english class make me enjoy the comedy.The most part that i like when the professor ask the name of thing which is 'fish finger' when ali said fish dont have finger , it is very funny . What else is when jamila wrongly pronouced the word happy with 'hoppy'.After all i think when i watch this kind of comedian movie , i can improve my english to another level .
Hi madam. I'm Ainee from C3T3. First thought that came while I'm watching this is the teacher must have a lot of patience �� when he wants to correct every single student that come into his class bacause they came form different races and country. There is one scene that catch my eyes and ears when Chinese student she can't pronounce letter R and she replace letter R with letter L. Sometimes I'm also have tongue twister �� It's okay. As long as you have effort to correct your English it's okay. It's learning process. Many people says English is all about confident
Hello Madam Mas!! It's me Suha from C3T3. I have watched the video. From my point of view, I really adore the professor. Despite how hard his work is, he managed to deliver his part as a teacher. Besides that, i love the way all his students trying their best to improve their English. Furthermore, I think it's a good idea to motivate people to speak in English even though you're not fluent in that language but at least you can improve yourself.Moreover,I rate this movie 7 out of 10 and it's really good for students.Last but not least, always try to improve yourself to be the better version of ourselves.
Hi Madam.I'm laila from C3T3.Personally I have a lot of thought about this video and one of them is I didn't find this video is hilarious.As I can see,there is a lot of moral value from this movie such as from the teacher character. Obviously,from the teacher we can learn that we need to appreciate the gift that people have prepared for us.Also,I can see the efforts of learning something for the students.Overall I think this movie is mid and I have seen much better movie so I can rate this movie
6 out of 10.
Hi madam, I’m Farzana from C3T3. I had watched the video that you shared. In my opinion, the video is super funny and I have already watched it twice. I gotta admit that being a professor is a hard job. This means that I can see the professor is trying to understand the English slang of each of his students who came from a different country. As a student, I totally understand how hard it can be to learn and memorise the words in english and since it is not our mother tongue. What I can say is they might need a little bit of extra practice in speaking, writing or listening in english so that they learn it rapidly. They give me the motivation to keep learning English even more so that one day I can speak with others confidently.
Hi madam, I'm Hakim from C3T3. I really likes the film, honestly it wasn't enough for me that i actually search up the internet to watch more of it. it's such a fun film that a I burst out laughing a lot while watching it. However, a part of me also asks the question: ‘In what kind of a society do we want to live?' todays society changed much that cultural differences are treated rather sensitively that it become toxics. Don't you think so!!!
salam madam. thankyou for this hilarious movie. at first i have a difficulty to understand the accent of the spanish man but it’s okay. i thought it’s a goofy movie but it’s actually a very good movie and all the actors are very good in acting. we can see that there are multi races in this movie which is very good. even though they came from different country, they still able to communicate with each other using english. so here we can see that it’s very important to learn english. this movie also give a lot of hidden message like how important to pronounce correctly and understand the actual meaning of the words. i rate this movie 8/10
Hi madam!! I'm Najatul Safiah from C3T3. Firstly, i would like to say that this movie is very funny. But, from that i realise that how important to us to pronounce a word correctly. This movie also show that how patient their teacher to teach their student to pronounce every single word. I'm sure that was not easy because his student came from many countries and using many accent to speak. Beside that, i think it is important to improve our speaking skills it is because as we know that english is our second language that we use in our country. The moral of the scenes that i got is we need to always keep learning and practise our speaking skill day by day, it will help other to understand what we say and we need always to be patient when learning englishb such as the teacher was be very patient when teaching. Moreover, i rate for this movie is nine out of ten. I was really enjoyed while watching this movie.
I am Joey from B2T2. For me, this movie was really entertaining and funny, but it takes time for me to understand what they said because their accent were a bit different from us. From this movie, I get to know the importance to learn English well. Also, it is vital for us to pronounce a word correctly to avoid any misunderstandings. Other than that, I admire the professor who try hard to teach his students although it’s really a tough work. Overall, I think that the actors were great as they perform in an interesting way that catches the attention of audience.
Hi everyone, here is Ng Wai Hoe from C3T3. I like this video for the reason that the video is entertaining besides educative, although it is more to entertainment... However, i personally think that there are improvements that can be done on the video. For instance, the comedy can be done in different places other than classroom to avoid the audience from getting bored. In addition, New characters with cameo appearance can be added to attract the audience to keep on watching it. With these improvement, it will definitely be a perfect comedy.
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