Sunday, December 6, 2020

Using Googledoc in Google Classroom


Assalamualaikum and a very good morning I wish to everyone out there.

Hope all of you are in a pink of health. Today I would like you to share your view, feeling , pour your hearts out on our online group writing task where you were introduced to the usage of Googledoc in Google Classroom. It was a collaborative work where you have to work together in one document, help each other, collaborate, scaffold and assist each other in order to produce one good write-up.

As usual, I just want to know your reflections. You can say whatever you want to say.It is actually good for you to share.Be it the positive or negative ones.... it is your right to share. If there are any suggestions that you would like me to know, I will be happy to read them.

OK ,then..... I will be waiting anxiously for your self reflections.

Start sharing now.

Luv and hugs dearly

Madam Mas


Ong Shi Xuan said...

It is a special experience for me. It is quite challenging because it requires all the crew mates to cooperate and all crew mates must be free and having a stable connection at the same time. There are quite some technical errors in this google classroom but we managed to solve it before our discussion. It is pleasurable to voice my opinions on how the article should be written and I am also given opportunity to lead my group mates. It is quite difficult when one of the group members lost their connection. It takes time to complete the article but it surely helps improving our language standards. Team work is always fun when all members cooperate with each other.

Unknown said...
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A'slam i want to share my experienced since i know how to use googlw doc in google classrom..well its my first time because i only now about google classroom , google doc since we have this covid19 pandemic😅so most of teachers , students , use it..well , its quite intresting + fun because u can discuss with ur friends about the assignment just using the commnet block in google doc..wuu..thats great u know because i think not all the students now we can use one doc for 4 person👌 + by doing this..students not only got the knowledge about the assignment but we can improved technology knowledge and we also can add that in our resume..who knows..mybe new generation need that kind of teacher☺️thats all..thnks

Nur Illani said...
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Nur Illani said...

Assalamualaikum and good morning madam. In my opinion, using googledoc in google classroom is quite interesting according to the latest technological developments. But there is also a downside that is if there is a network problem in my place. It took me a long time to access it. The advantage is, I can talk to group members more easily. We can help each other if there are any mistakes in our essay. For me, there are more advantages than disadvantages and I enjoy using googledoc in preparing essays

nursahira said...

assalamualaikum madam ,i hope that u also in a pink of self reflection for the usage of googledoc in google classroom the we use recently ,i think its quite good because it help our group member to give cooperation together to finish the assignment.its easy to use although a little bit confuse how to use the comment box cause its the first time i use the googledoc.yeah, i think its very useful for our collaborative with group member.

Unknown said...
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anisfarisha said...

It is quite hard for me as I need to deal with the bad internet connection . Sometimes I am not being able to discuss with them but somehow I am not left behind since my group mates help me a lot .Working as a team is way better than working solo since each of group mate will give different ideas, have different level of vocabulary and different style of writing . These differences help me to improve my language and at the same time I learn about how to tolerate the opinion of others. The differences somehow bring us together :D

VIVEGHAN said...

Its way more different and challenging than doing assignments directly. It is also fun and exciting since it was first time for me doing google doc in google classroom in a group. I was also happy that we all get to use the new technologies in a good way. My groupmates and I have some struggles during the assignment because of internet connection , technical error, lack of experience and etc but we took this as a lesson so that we won't repeat the same next time. Although we have difficulties , our good cooperation and high commitment makes us to successfully done our assignment within the due date given.

Unknown said...

I think using googledoc in Google Classroom is quite challenging because it is new platform for me or maybe classmate.Although, maybe there have some trouble when using it but my group mate and can manage it and can finish our assigment.From that platform it also suitable for doing the discussion. For me, this platform give me new experience because before this i dont know about the googledoc so from the English class, now already know about that and know how to use it.

luqman jaba said...

First of all, i would like to thanks for you teacher for giving us the opportunity to answer the group writting assignment. This task is very fun because we can share opinions and do work in a team. In addition, we can also strengthen our relationship with each other. Google docs very effective because I can comment directly and can see who is modifying the content that the team makes. I am very happy because team activities will increase my spirit to learn and be able to exchange opinions with each other. That's all self reflection about writting task and the use of google docs.

Unknown said...
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Aniq said...

Assalam and good morning madam. I think using a googledoc in google classroom is the best way to do the discussion with group members because we can share the idea and discuss with others. So we can see the colleboration of the group. I wish we can do any task group with using this apps again.

Zawir said...

I feel comfortable with this google doc because it makes it easier for us to have discussions in the comments section. we can come up with ideas easily and discuss whether the idea is acceptable or not. the use of learning mediums such as google classroom is more interesting to learn compared to the old methods of using paper and pen. the use of this online learning medium should be continued in the future. thank you

Miqdad Nor Azman said...

Waalaikumsalam Madam, it's a great and at the same time also a weird experience using Google Docs for the first time. It's because everyone can see what I write at the Doc in real time and they can correct my mistake on the spot which is like a new thing for me. The only thing that annoys me is that I need to write only on one specific document created to make the group writing works. You can't make a personal doc that can be linked to other person's doc which is a thumbs down from me. Our group leader need to share his document to us via emails which took more time than if we just can use our personal docs. But other than that, it's a great experience as I have a great fun discussing the assignment with my friends. We manage to finish the essay bit early but the word count exceed the limit which is 800 words :v. Overall, it's really fun experience and it really teaches me about team work. Maybe this kind of group assignment will be a norm in the future. Imagine, someone can just sit in their house and do their group assignment without ever meeting other group members. Currently it sounds weird but in the future? Who knows 😅


For me, it is not so easy to make the very long writting while at the same time also got so many tests on the same week the writting task need to be submit... Well, by using GoogleDocs system, it at least reduce our stress a bit on how we going to conclude our point together as a one essay. One more is it is about grouping task, then we can devide the point for each group member, and one of us got to do the introduction and conclusion which is Miqdaddy :joy::joy::joy:

I really grateful bcoz at last we succeed to submit the task right before the due date, maybe it's not as good as it should be... but I know we had try our best to provide out the point for the writting.. It's not that stressful when we can discuss the arrangement of the writting through google meet at night, we also make jokes to each other when we the discussion L.O.L. hehehehehehe then we made it as a completed essay in no time on the day right before the day we submit~ Well, this kind of task is good to be done by us since it is also good to improve our english and vocabulary, then it is the best if only need to do it when we are not too busy like on the week we submitted the task ^_^


For me very easy to use google docs for writing assignment .It help my team member to contribute their part in writing .We can aslo share our ideas by chats and comments.This chat and comments is a evidence to show we made a great discussion for our writing and everyone join in that discussion.It aslo easier to communicate with each others via comments and chats.It help us to share our opinion and suggestions in sentences.There is aslo a tool that we can show to others which sentences we suggedt to change or improve .This makes google dics much more easier than others apps.So I feel comfortable using google classroom and google docs personally.

Fashihah said...

I think it was a new ways to us to write an essay together . It was easy for our group to write an essay together and discussing in the comment box even for the first time i didn’t know how to write new comment hehe . But the function of the googledoc was so imppresive . So in my opinion , google doc also functioning well for group discussing essay too .

Unknown said...
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Irfan said...

First of all, I want to thank you for giving us the opportunity to use this kind of way to write essay in a group. Well, of course it's the first time for us using google docs to write an essay together. It's kind of fun and interesting because we can share our opinion easily. We can leave a comment if we have a better idea about the sentences or words.

Amirah Azmi said...

In my personal opinion, I think that using google docs as a way to carry out the group assignment is a really efficient way to do it cus if per se we were to do it using our own word application, it'd be difficult for everyone to be on the same page. It's convenient for us because other group members can directly and specifically point out a mistake or suggest an alternative sentence that we might not have thought about if we were to do it individually. Google docs allow us to do progress simultaneously, and I think that also contributed to how fast we were able to wrap the essay up because we didn't have to do any long discussions thanks to the comment section provided. All in all, I think that googledocs should be implemented and used in every group assignment because it's been proven to be really helpful and functional. It also saves me from wasting my correction tape and eraser :P

Safwan Here said...

Assalamualaikum and Hello.
To be honest, I would say that at first I was clueless and I found that google docs isn’t interesting because I don’t really know how to use it. Thanks to Madam Mas because you have introduced to us this kind of application that actually superb. In my perspective, in order to generate ideas/ completing the task given in a group efficiently. This google docs is very suitable for us students. Discussing some topic that is going viral. Or anything else. That was a simple example i could state. Things that I like about this application is it helps me to cooperate with my team members very well. Like if you don’t know your sentence is correct or not, you want your friends to check the grammar or you want to ask opinions from themm. You can just write it it chat box your teammates will be able to see and reply to your comment. Isn’t it obvious that google docs is one of the applications that can help you and your team members collaborate together easily? . Guess I don’t have anything to sayyyyy. That’s it. Google docs must be practiced since we’re doing a lot of assignments group. Thank you. ( I’m just lack of ideas to deliver my views here ) 😂😂👌😭

TAN WEI LUN said...

To be honest, it was my first experience doing group assignment using Google Docs. Thanks madam for guiding me when I faced some problems when writing the essay. In my point of view, Google Docs is a good platform to carry out group assignment. Team members are able to leave their comments and point out someone's mistake in Docs so that the individual can make correction. Google Docs also allow us to communicate with team members concurrently by seeing who is online. It is fun to use Google Docs and we have to get used to these platforms because we are in the era of technology.

Sarah iznu said...

Using google docs to write an essay with group members is very fun and interesting. I am very glad that u introduce google dosc to us . It is a new way of learning during this covid 19 since everybody is living far away and we cant meet each others. Thnk u madam 😁😁😉😉

Unknown said...
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Amzar said...

Assalamualaikum,actually this is the first time im using this app for the learning session.I'm very enjoy using this app because it is easier to discuss and write our essay at the same time.I want to thank to madam because madam always try to make our learning very fun and easier

Adib Syahmi said...

Hi Madam !Fisrt of all , Thankyou because you always give opinion to us to write a comments about what we had done .In my opinion , gooogle doc and google classroom is the best platform to do some task or assignments such as writing competiton that we did last week . When first time i was used it, it quite difficult haha . But , now i can use it very well hehe because my friends and you had guide and taught about how to use it . When using google doc , it help me to share our opinions and ideas to do some assingment with my friends . Hence , We can also write together and if one of my friends was doing mistake such as spelling wrong , we can use discussion and chat to inform about that . Lastly , i am very happy and comfortable to use google doc and google classroom as the platform learning for now .

HARITH said...
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Mustakim said...

Assalamualaikum madam.First and foremost,its my first time ever using the google doc platform to do an essay with other at the same time.For me its interesting to do that because we dont feel alone when writing the essay because we have another member with us.If we dont have idea,not understand or dont know what point can we use,we just asking others directly using the chat box.Its better than writing essay alone.We also can complain or give some better ideas or add some good ideas to others point and they also can do that to us.So we get the best essay at the end because of the collaboration with others.So for me,its a kind of interesting and fun activity and hopefully we can do that again.

harith hakimi said...

Assalamualaikum and hello,
in my personal view, using the google Doc in google is my first time. firstly, I really don't know how to use and " kekok" at the first time , but until I explore all the function given. Wow it great!! that we can elaborate together as a team. share our ideas in one document. it is very suitable for student maybe until work we can use this method. Thank you Madam Mas because you have introduced to us this kind application. It is can make wouderful when all your team is online at the same time .

Unknown said...

I think using Google doc in Google classroom is quite interesting and challenging at the same time. It is cool to write an essay online together with your friends.. We can exchange ideas and help each other in correcting any grammar mistake or misspellings.. The barrier is when the Internet connection is poor that make me cant see the progress of our group assessment.. However i think this one of new way through digital learning on this 21 century6

Luq said...

assalamuaalaikumm madam mas,
first of all, thankyou for leading us to use this kind of ways. in my opinion, using the google doc in google classroom is the great ways in helping us to complete our quiz writing. exactly, this is my first time using this platform on google. this platform exactly help us in discussing our group assignment because if we not understand or don't know about a our points, we can ask our easily by using the 'chat box'.as a conclusion, the way that you suggested which is google doc is really help us.

◡‿◡✿ said...
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◡‿◡✿ said...

Good Morning :) First of all I would like to state that at first google classroom and googledocs are a bit confusing for the first time user . But day by day , thanks to my group leader Shi En and especially madam mas i could develop how to use the new platform wisely . I never knew about this platform before , thanks to madam mas for helping us to open up to new platform which amazingly effective ! <3

Ratinaa Mala said...

Good day everyone. Based on my own experience on the Google Docs, I would like to give 5 stars because this app is the one of the best and easy way to do work or task in groups. At first I was clueless and difficult to use but with guide of Madam and friends it looks so easy and simple. Furthermore, my teammates and I were able to do discussions in chat box. Thank you Madam for introduced this wonderful App to students!

HasbiHassan said...

Thank you madam for introducing Google classroom to all of us.Google classroom is a great application for learning because Google classroom is able to facilitate discussion between group members. However, we need to be careful when writing in a document because Google Classroom is automatically saved.I think others lecturer can use the Google Classroom as a platform to give assignment or others during the online class.


Google classroom is the new type of application us students recently get in touch and learned how to use it. All sorts of homeworks are posted by the lecturers to us. While learning how to do the works, we also learned about a multiperson application which is Google Docs. When we start working of the writing task, it is used to work on the essay. The biggest advantage of using GDocs is real time editing for all involved person, and we can also have a discussion using the comments function to do some editing on our work. All in all, the new application we use is very useful and as the new Internet era comes, everyone should start to learn how to use it.

Azief Adnan said...

Hello everyone, I think this new type of learning is good for during this CMCO.Google Classroom is easy application that we can use to submit the task or assignment.Other than that,by using Google Document to do our essay smoothly without any problem.Maybe for the first time it is more difficult to make ourself familiar with the application.I hope this type of learning will keep going because it is very effective for me to improve my writing skill.Our group members also can make correction to our essay directly using the application.That’s all from me hope you guys have a nice day and take care about your health during this pandemic covid-19.

Muhammad Irham Bin Roslan said...

Good morning; I would like to give my input regarding this system. Sooner or later everyone will start using this online system to hand-in and do homework, assignments and other school and pdp related tasks and I'm glad that madam is taking the initiative to introduce us to this system. The gsuite or google suite is a very powerful system with many perks and facilities and might seem overwhelming for first time users but once you learn the basics its smooth sailing from there. One of the perks of this system that I really like is the ability to see individual contribution in group assignments; less people will attempt to slack off and contribute to the group assigbment. Overall I enjoy using the g suite and I hope to continue using it in the future.. <3

Unknown said...

Hai and good morning madam, my reflection about google doc in google classrom is very exciting. It was my first time to use it but it going allright. If i has a problem with it, i can ask my classmate and madam directly. Also them were sporting and freely to teach and make me know to use it. In google doc also has the features which is comment, it make us easily to communicate in there. The most exciting to me which is the colour of the form. When someone claims their work in google doc, it will change colour follow to him. In my group work, there has colourful form follow to the person... that just not the black and white classic boring form. Last, i was happily to use it.

Husna Hazwan said...

Assalamualaikum madam.
In my point of view, using google docs in google classroom as a platform to have some discussions with my friends about essay was quite interesting. To be honest, it was quite puzzling as it was the first I had ever used google docs to collaborate with my friends to create an essay.I could say that the platform have many advantages compared to other applications. It allowed me to communicate with my friends as it has a comment section which ease me to ask anything to my friends regrading to the essay.Beside,it alllows me to notice whether my friends is online or not. Lastly, my friends can correct me if make anything wrong and so do I!

Lee Shi En said...

It’s a great experience to work collaboratively online with my friends. Google docs is undeniably a very easy and useful tool for us as college students to try out and explore its various features while doing our work. For instance, there is a comment section that every editor to that file can leave a comment to give better suggestion for a line or paragraph of essay. Everyone is encouraged not to just writing own essay, but also has to play a role of checking and marking the others’ work. As saying goes, many hands make light work. I’m quite enjoy with this writing session to discuss with my friends to get a better essay. Thank you I would gladly said to madam for offering such opportunity to us.

Aisyasyazlinyusuf said...

Hi madam! In my view, i think Google docs is very convenient. I like using Google docs. It have many tools. It can count our word, correct our grammar and so on. Of we work as a group, it will be more fun.We can give a comment to help each other and change our idea. It also auto save, so no need to worry if our laptop/phone died.

Amirul Firdaus said...

Assalamualaikum everyone.
I love to use Google Classroom as our learning platform because it's very friendly application and easy to also allowed my friends and i to collaborate in order to complete our group task.Last week,my friends and i finished our group writing quiz task together given by Madam in Google classroom and used Google docs as our platform to discuss.i really enjoyed it.Thank you to madam for introducing it to us.

Tyrah said...

Hye assalamualaikum madam, first of all I would like to say thank you for you for for introducing us with Google Docs. We have very nice experience using Google Docs to do our group discussion and finish our task. We can discussed about the task together and easily. We also can help our teammates to correct any mistakes he or she does not notice. thank you madam

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aklihie saidddddd...
assalamualaikum and good morning everyone, first and foremost i would like to say allahamdulilah because i has a brilliant and supportive teacher. so here, i would like comment about google docs from what i learnt a few days ago. google docs also gave me a big impact because actually i am not usually use this method during online class not professional in it also. after i tried to use it it make me more comfortable to explore. even i tried to use it last minute to submit my task, i very try hard to complete and successful to do it with all my helpful member and supportive madam. i think thats all.... tq

Aiman Al Khadri said...

Assalammualaikum and a very good morning everyone. I hope that all of you are in the pink. For this time I would like to talk about using the Google Docs as the platform to finish our group assignment. It was really fun and helpful. It was my first time using it and I am not to familiar with it. But when we keep going, I am having fun. My teammates also cooperating very well with the assignment. Google Docs providing us with comment sections, so we can discussing about the whole things in the assignment. Thank you Madam :D

anisamira said...

hi .. i would like to share my experience using Google doc. so this is my first time in this year using this application because of covid-19 pandemic.. before this i never knew how to use it also never knew this application. so after using this google doc, i think it is easy to us to make a group discussion like doing an essay together and if it have mistake, our group members will correct it.. it also more fun when we can chatting each other through the comment section.. For me, this is suitable application right now since everybody live far away and we can't meet each other.. thank you..

Wan Mohamad Hafiz said...

I feel easy when do the class online using google meet. It is a new method to do the class while we cannot do it face to face.I think many student like this way because we only use smartphone or laptop to join the class.Then if we miss the class we can watch the recorded to recover our lesson.

A.Fahmi said...

Hye so about using google doc as main medium for completing the essay task in my opinion is interesting .It is very convenient and practical.The chatbox is really helping us with discussion ,even I,someone who find group assesment hard to complete but this assesment is diffrent,i got good team and everything going well.Thank You for letting us to try new thing.This experience is valuable

Amnishah said...

Assalamualaikum and hi, I like to share my opinion about using the google docs . So far google docs very help me to do a job that you give . Lastly thank you madam cause always giving us some strength and positive vibes. 🥰

Izzatul Husna said...

Assalamualaikum, for those who read this and Hi. Lately, students which is also me are using google doc platform frequently for learning session. So my point of view, google doc is easy to be use but I have to figure it more to make my life easier during this covid pandemic and in my uni life. This platform is also helpful when it come to group discussion but its come out really good when there are cooperation with the group members. Madam idea by using his alternative make me to be more alert to do assignment and be more creative. Thankyou madam :)

Thivisima said...

Hi everyone! Recently,we used Google doc platform frequently for our writing task.A big thanks to madam for willing to taught how to use the Google doc.Not only that,madam also guided us throughout our task.So this makes us easier and comfortable when use it especially during pandemic . I hope that platform will help alot in future .thank you again madam . Have a good day🙃

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