Assallamualaikum and good morning everybody.
Yesterday I was observed on my teaching and learning process in this tutorial class - C2T8.
Two of my colleagues ,Madam Fazilawati Harun who ,is my Head of Panel and Madam Rodiah Dali, our newly appointed DG52 senior English lecturer entered the class at 8 am, both sat at the back of the class and the observation started. The class ended at 9 am with notes of constructive comments shared.
Self-Reflection :
The students behaved well, in fact too well (sigh) and the class turned a bit dull as they were not their normal selves. Thinking on a brighter side, maybe they wanted to impress me and the observers ,being good kids....that is normal,right?
Anyway,lots of thanks and appreciation to my kids for participating excellently during the lesson.Keep up the good effort.
Insyaallah ,you'll do well.