Assalamualaikum and a very good day everyone. It is good to share here the link to my post as a guest writer in UITM Professional blog. Nothing much but I am happy that I can share a piece of my work with the others. Thank you so much Dr Mah for the opportunity given.
Hi everyone, sharing and giving help us to be close together so let's share....... Thank you very much for visiting my blog and I would appreciate it very much if you'll just sign in my guestbook and jot down a few words of comments on my posts.Have fun reading. Note : since this is my personal and social pen-in, the posts will be both in English and Malay.
Tuesday, December 29, 2020
An Experience As the Guest Writer
Assalamualaikum and a very good day everyone. It is good to share here the link to my post as a guest writer in UITM Professional blog. Nothing much but I am happy that I can share a piece of my work with the others. Thank you so much Dr Mah for the opportunity given.
Wednesday, December 16, 2020
Majlis Apresiasi dan Inspirasi KMKK 2020
Majlis terakhir untuk tahun 2020 rasanya sebab hari ini sudah 16hb Disember 2020. Tinggal tak berapa hari lagi sahaja untuk kita meninggalkan tahun yang penuh dengan pelbagai dugaan ini. Syukur walau apa jua yang datang,kita telah harungi dengan sedaya mungkin dan masih bertahan hingga kini. Majlis ini diadakan untuk menghargai semua pencapaian dan sumbangan warga KMKK sepanjang tahun 2020. Saya salah seorang yang diraikan. Berbanyak terima kasih. Terasa sumbangan dihargai. Syukurlah walau itu bukan niat dan harapan yang didambakan. Setiap apa yang dilakukan hanyalah kerana bertujuan untuk berkongsi ilmu dan pengalaman yang ada serba sedikit ini. Allah telah bermurah hati menitipkan saya dengan ilmu , maka saya kembalikan pada yang berminat untuk berkongsi. Semoga barakah Allah kita nikmati bersama.
Untuk rakan2 lain, moga majlis ini dapat memberi inspirasi . Ambil yang elok....yang kurang itu,kita simpan untuk kita baiki di masa yang akan datang.
Rumah siap,pahat berbunyi,tiada gunanya.
Diam ubi berisi,diam besi berkarat,maka kita ambil yang berisi.
Luv and hugs dearly
Che Mas
Sunday, December 6, 2020
Using Googledoc in Google Classroom
Assalamualaikum and a very good morning I wish to everyone out there.
Hope all of you are in a pink of health. Today I would like you to share your view, feeling , pour your hearts out on our online group writing task where you were introduced to the usage of Googledoc in Google Classroom. It was a collaborative work where you have to work together in one document, help each other, collaborate, scaffold and assist each other in order to produce one good write-up.
As usual, I just want to know your reflections. You can say whatever you want to say.It is actually good for you to share.Be it the positive or negative ones.... it is your right to share. If there are any suggestions that you would like me to know, I will be happy to read them.
OK ,then..... I will be waiting anxiously for your self reflections.
Start sharing now.
Luv and hugs dearly
Madam Mas
Assalamualaikum and a very good morning I wish to everyone out there. Hope all of you are in a pink of health. Today I would like you to s...
Hi all. Let us watch this funny movie together and after watching please do some review on it. You can write about the characters involved ...