Friday, August 27, 2021

Trailing Back Your First Speaking Experience

Assalamualaikum everyone. was your first speaking session that day? Especially the group discussion. Were you satisfied with your presentation and discussion? Did you encounter any problems while preparing and conducting the task? Were there any technical glitches during the recording and how did you feel having to speak online like that? Share your first experience here. I will be waiting eagerly to read your stories.
Madam Mas


Monday, August 16, 2021

MUET Writing Test 2021 Format

Assalamualaikum everyone.
How are you? Hope you are having a blessed day ahead. OK, attached here is the MUET writing video. Please watch it very carefully to get a general idea of how the MUET writing paper will be conducted in the examination. After you have watched it, please jot important points and ideas in the comment section. You can always pause or re-watch the video to make sure you understand better.
All the best ya
Madam Mas

Monday, August 2, 2021

Perfect - Ed Sheeran (Lyrics)


Assalamualaikum viewers
Good evening
A lively slot with my students today.
Singing with Ed Sheeran
We created a short story about a seashell at a seashore😁😁😁
Flipped Learning Approach 

1. Video was posted on my blog last night and the students were requested to watch it and focus on the details.
2. We sang the song together via Google Meet.
At first, these bunch of kids still "shy shy cat" to sing☺️☺️☺️
3. Picked the tenses shown. Discussed them.
4. Started a sentence to create a storyline. Each student continued until a short paragraph/story was finally created.
5. In between, I explained why the sentences are good or need to be corrected.
6. Writing time...of coz they have to write their reflections on the session....we go back to the blog again.

As for me...I feel good.
Madam Mas

Our Short Story

Sharing Your Views on Merdeka Day Celebration

Assalamualaikum and a very good day everyone.
Ok for our lesson today, we are going to do some listening skills, then we are going to discuss the video that you have watched, and finally, you are going to do some writing based on our discussion.
We are going to discuss certain aspects such as the combination of Malaysian culture in the dance, who is involved in the dance , how can you enhance the love towards Malaysia, and more aspects that you think are applicable to be discussed.

OK....let's watch the video.
Have fun!

Sunday, August 1, 2021

The Very First Day of the New Semester

Assalamualaikum and a very good morning everyone. 
Today is August 1st and finally, I get the chance to meet my new batch of students for this semester.
The first session was of coz to get to know each other and sharing a bit of the new scenario with them.
 I am happy that they are partially jovial and partially having a mixed-up feeling meeting me for the first time....maybe because of the first session but it is always OK to feel that.

Dear students,
Do share your feelings and expectations here in the comment box. 
Appreciate your effort.
See all of you in our next sessions.
Luv and hugs
Madam Mas.

Short Video Review - TAK PERNAH SUKA MAK

                                                                                         TAK PERNAH SU...