Thursday, February 17, 2022

Promoting a product/service/ideas

Assalamualaikum and a very good morning everyone.
 I wonder how is your task going on?
 Kindly watch the short video and do some individual 
 reflections on your progress .
You may update your written progress from time to time.
 Thank you everyone.
Madam Mas


Ikmal Amir said...

We're completed our brochure madam. Yet, we still don't make a video about the promotion. But,the product itself had been delivered to us, so we will do the video soon madam.

Ying Shan AKT3 said...

Thank you madam for such helpful video about the contents we should include in our brochure. Our group are still in the progress of completing the brochure. However, we are looking forward to presenting our product.

Elisha Aleya said...

About our group promotion, it is going well and just need you to check for some other details that we might forget to put in. Moreover, I can’t wait to shoot our class drama because we have finished the script and other preparations. Thank you madam for your help and cooperation to help us with the script ;)

Nazifah said...

Thank you madam for such helpful video to remind us about the contents that we need to include in the broshure. Our team already complete the task on broshure and now focus on the video. Eventhough we cannot record the video now but we still on progress on what to present in the video.

syafiqah KAT2 said...

My group already completed the brochure.. but we didn't record the video yet. we still discuss about the script for this video and find the better place for record it ... Can't wait result for video promotion ... Btw thanks madam for such helpful video.. hehe love u madam..


Our group already discussed about the brochure.But we haven't compile the contents yet.We're in the processing of doing it.However I'm looking forward to see the final look of the brochure.

zongming said...

Thankyou madam for the information about brochure. Our group's brochure have already done and now will focus on the video about our product

Afiq said...

My group already completed the brochure buat we haven't done about the video because the lack of Covid but we managed to discuss and gather the information about our project just need to be done in the video.

ng shu wei said...

mdm has listed some of the point that we missed out, that would be very useful for us thanks madam

ZAIM AKT3 said...

My team already complete the task on broshure and now focus on few more details that need to be change. Eventhough we cannot record the video now but we still on progress on what to present in the video. Thanks madam for always reminding us...

adwa said...

my group already discussed about the overall idea of our product which is solar wireless iron and divided our jobs. We are currently in the process of creating contents

Danish Erfan said...

We excited to film the view of kmkk next week. We will ensure that we get the best shot and show the beauty at here

Nurul Nadia Binti Mohd Shahuri said...

Thank you madam for the information. We have discuss about the project. Overall, we have the idea of our product. We are in process to complete a brochure.

shekh said...

thank you madam for always reminding us. i'm looking forward to film the video next week!

Anonymous said...

Thank you madam for the guide... We still in process to complete our broshure.. we think that it will be done soon

Muven said...

As a member of group, I helped the group to edit the brochure to be even more better and detailed. As for Now , we completed brochure and video will be made soon.

Unknown said...
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Mohd Firdaus said...

Thank you madam for the helpful information.After watching the video,we realised that we forgot to include some contents.As for now,we are still in progress to edit our brochure and will proceed with the promoting video as soon as possible.

liana said...

Thank you madam for the information about the brochure. our team has already finished our brochure. now we will focus to finish the video soon.

Anonymous said...

Thankyou madam for the useful information.All the tips will make our work is more easier.Finally i can help my group edit the brochure and have more ideas for our services.

Suhailah said...

My group has finished the brochure. We just want to make video but delayed because we need to quarantine. I really excited to record a video because we also never try our product

Rachelle said...

We have progressed a lot with the brochure. Hopefully everything goes right and we get to move on to the next step

Haikal said...

Thank you madam for your advise and information,it really help us to create creative and interesting video for our assignment.Also with your help we manage to finish our brochure even though it take some time but we able to finish it and create amazing finished product.

firdaushayat said...

about our group promotion im very gratefull that our video was done and im very satisfied with this group promotion video, i hope that we can get an A for this....thank u madam

Teoh Jack Wayne said...

Thank you for all of the information, madam. Our group has already completed the task. All of your suggestions and encouragement are greatly appreciated. It was really beneficial to us during the production process and in completing this project.

Foo said...

We have done our brochure and video promotion (KAYA PROPERTY REAL ESTATE). We have transformed the video to be more innovatived.Thus, it is more interesting to view.

Zairul Rizam said...

thank you madam for the guide, my group have finish the promotion video. i hope that everything will goes right and manage to produce good video

Aiffan said...

We have completed our video, thank you madam for advise and encouragement to make the video.The video became more creative and innovative, Our group really appreciate it
Thank you again madam.✨

Fara said...

Thank you madam for your useful my group already done for the video..I hope you like our video..

zongming said...

Thankyou madam for sharing this useful information for us to create a wonderful promoting video although this was first time for us to do the video like this

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