Thursday, October 27, 2016

FOG Project With E2T7/8

The next class is E2T7/8 with 2 groups focusing on :
1. boys vs girls
2 favourite movies.
The group which has chosen the topics on their favourite movies really had fun retelling about the movies they watched.I enjoyed listening as well, eventhough I have never watched any of out-dated of me,eh!
abu (train to busan)
aqila (ong-bak)
umaimah (first love)
jannah (perfect match)
erma (cinderella step sister)
syaffiq (horror stories)
The topic of interest for the second group is boys vs
syafiq (girls to the washroom in groups for various reasons)
fikri (attittude of religious man n women)
adib(choosing a place to dine)
syahmi(crying for different purposes)
iqbal(argue differences)
adam(choosing media social)
iwan(doing assingments)
wowwwww...I never thought they can come out with unexpected topics as such.....and they gave all out to make sure the informal discussion was carried out perfectly and everybody participated marvellously!!
Kudos boys and girls!Proud of you.

FOG Project With C2T8

C2T8 students  participated in this FOG Project during their class this evening. Since there are 13 students in this class, they grouped themselves into 2 groups of their choice and brainstormed for the topic to be discussed.
The first group chosed their favourite superheroes as their topic of discussion and they really enjoyed sharing their info regarding their favourite superheroes....
wajdi (captain america)
wan (ironman)
iffa (ultraman)
mus (badman)
min(human torch)
The second group talked about their favourite passtime :
umi (cooking)
tina(watch movies n reading novels)
akhbar(watch malay movies)
ridzuan(playing military games)
The language lab was chaotic and full of laughters and funny expressions and extra hilarious remarks on friends' stories....they had so much fun,I assumed.
Even ariff expressed himself well.Congratulations ariff and all!

FOG Project With M2T6

Pre-speaking session
Adding to the notes
Wenda started first
Cedric,thinking of the "cacing" in his food....?
Khugan,the sweet talker

Good morning everyone, today during my tutorial class with M2T6 we carried out the FOG Project.
At first I gave them a topic on leadership qualities but looking at their expression and the way they were so deep in thought, I think better if I give them something light and fun to discuss on. I did not want to ruin the fun of the program. And...I let them choose the topic. Khugen, the sweet talker popped up with "food"....and everyone agreed on that. They started off excellently as almost everybody participated eagerly in the discussion or informal conversation.
Cedric with his "cacing"  and food poisoning stories,
Wenda ,with his leadership qualities,
Izzat, Asraf and Alif about not going back this weekend,
Farah, being teased by the boys,
Syamin who misses his mum's cooking,
Khugen who kept on sweet-talking everybody,
and Memey being bullied by Chedric.
Honestly, I am impressed with the ways they participated.
Kudos kids!
As requested, one fine day...I'll bring everybody to my little cottage yea....
but be good students and that's a promise.
Looking forward for more fun FOG!

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Motivational quote for today

Assallamualaikum and Good morning everyone......
hope everybody has a good start this morning yea...
with good breakfast and lovely sunshine shinning warmly 
on our sweet smiles and strong spirit.
OK, today let us share something about this motivational quote above. 
Very inspiring, do you agree with me?
Say something about it.....share your opinion with us.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

A sharing session via blog

This morning during my classes,I continued my sharing session with the students and they responded very well. The slot actually covered the speaking skill ,reading skill as well as the writing skill .....just by reading and responding orally and in written form in the blog. They responded informally and I understand what they really want.....a fun learning way to upgrade or enhance their proficiency in the second language.
Hope I can fulfill their needs...Insyaallah

The post uploaded
Students' responses on the post
More encouraging responses

Heavy Rain & Strong Wind @ Laman Masnie

Hi everyone.....what are you seeing in this post?A messy and haywired condition of tumbled potted plants,right?Yes...this happened this evening around 4 pm at my neighborhood and being the resident at the corner lot with lots of potted plants,my small garden became the victim.

Around 4.35pm I received a call from my hubby telling about the  weather condition in Sungai Petani or to be precised...Bandar Seri Astana.
He uploaded a few photos which he snapped after the incident and I was like...gosh!what happened.....!!The journey back from college seemed so long and I couldn't wait to be home as soon as possible.Once reached home,the situation was not that bad as he had already cleaned and  rearranged the plants back to the normal place. Alhamdulillah....I am so grateful that nothing bad or serious happened.

Monday, October 24, 2016

The Interference Effect of L1 in Essay Writing

The study concludes that students have difficulties in using correct English grammar in their writing especially in :
1. the use of determiners
2. subject-verb agreement
3. copula 'be'

The next step is to think on how to solve or at least reduce this problems.

FOG to reduce OCA

Free Topic Discussion To Arouse Their Confident Level

Fun Topic With Guided Procedure

Oral Communication Apprehension is "an individual's level of fear or anxiety associated with either real or anticipated communication with another person or persons". This is a common problem faced by a lot of people especially when they are communicating in their second language, at this point, of course English Language. To overcome this problem, I have initiated a program which I named it as Fun Oral Group (FOG Program) .Students are divided into 2 or 3 large groups and they can choose their on group members to reduce the anxiety level as everybody knows that ,it is much easier to communicate with somebody close to you rather then to somebody unfamiliar.
Topic of discussion is always something light and fun. They can always voice out their thoughts or ideas freely so as to make the task more enjoyable. The main objective is to boost their confident level.
OK, I'll update more on the progress in my next post. Till then, have a nice day everyone!

Sunday, October 23, 2016

2016 MUET Seminar by Oxford

Our MUET Seminar 2016
Madam Oh HP the Master Trainer
Mr Zahran Harun and Mr Andrew from Oxford Publication
The English Lecturers from IPSAH -
 Mr Mohd Raja,Mr Gautaman and Mr Basil Surin
The English Lecturers from IPSAH -
Madam Haiyyon and Madam NurAzmah
Some Of Our Students
20 Students From IPSAH

Alhamdulillah Syukran today we are able to complete our MUET Seminar 2016. The seminar was conducted by Madam Oh Hui Peng from Oxford Publication from 9.00 am until 1.00 pm.This fruitful session was also shared by our lecturer friends from IPSAH and their students.Thanks a million to Madam Oh for sharing all the latest updates regarding MUET assessment with the English lecturers and students from IPSAH as well as KMTK. Many thanks also to Mr Andrew from Oxford Publication, Mr Mohd Raja bin Abdullah, Mr Gautham,Mr Basil Surin, Dr Correine , Madam Haiyyon and Madam NurAzmah for joining us in the session. Insyallah we will meet again in more scaffolding events to enhance our knowledge as educators.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Lovely orchids

Majlis Bacaan Yassin dan Tahlil Buat Arwah Emak

Assallamualaikum dan salam  pagi Sabtu yang sentiasa barakah dengan rahmat Allah.
Pagi ini setelah menghantar anakanda Nurul Izzianie Syifa ke sekolahnya untuk aktiviti ko-kurikulum,kami berdua iaitu saya dan suami terus ke tanah perkuburan Khariah Sungai Lalang untuk majlis Bacaan Yassin dan Tahlil yang dianjurkan oleh khariah ini untuk arwah-arwah yang disemadikan di sini. Semua waris dijemput hadir. Di sini jasad emak Allahyarhamah Yam binti Cha disemadikan pada 4hb Oktober 2015.
Hanya suami yang masuk ke dalam dewan ,manakala saya hanya membaca Yassin di dalam kereta kerana sejak dua tiga hari ni...urat-urat di betis dan kaki terasa sangat tegang...menjadikan amat sukar untuk bersimpuh atau bersila dalam tempuh yang lama .Yang penting niat kita diketahui Allah dan barakahNya yang kita harapkan.
Sentiasa kami iringi roh emak Yam binti Cha,emak Hasnah binti Saad,Pak Su Yahya bin Cha,Mak Lang Rodziah binti Abdul Hamid,Mak Cik serta semua ahli keluarga ditempatkan bersama insan-insan terpilih di dalam syurga Allah.Amin Ya Rabbal Aalamin.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Final assessment on the AW

These 3 pictures reflect my final assessment on the AW task assigned to my students this semester. The chronological order of this assessment:
1.Students were grouped in 3 or 4 per group.
2.Briefing was given on how to carry out the group project.
3.Started the online project using Googledoc where I conducted ICT lessons in order for them to understand on how to use the application.
4.Collaborative and scaffolding sessions throughout the progress of the  on-going task.
5.Printed the hardcopies.
6.Presentation of the task given.
7.Final comments of the whole task.
Notes for the students after final assessment.
Using red to highlight,eh?
The Academic Writing With Notes.

Satu lagi kehilangam

Pada tanggal 19hb Oktober 2016 (Rabu)jam 12 tengah malam,kami dikejutkan dengan satu panggilan talipon dari kakak ipar dengan perkhabaran yang bapa saudara sebelah suami telah pergi menemui Illahi.Pak Su Yahya bin Cha yang sangat baik orangnya telah dijemput Illahi dan beliau pergi dengan tenang meninggalkan anak-anak saudara dan kaum keluarga yang masih tinggal.....itu saja lah pewaris arwah kerana arwah Pak Su Ya tidak punya isteri atau anak.
Dipenghujung hayatnya pun ,Pak Su Ya dijaga oleh anak saudara paling rapat dan dibantu olah family yang lain sehingga penghujung nyawa.
Al-Fatihah kami sedekahkan buat arwah dan didoakan arwah akan ditempatkan bersama insan2 yang dirahmati Allah. Semoga Allah juga memberkati sepupu kami Taa dan isterinya Sofiah kerana membantu merawat Pak Su tanpa keluh kesah kerana Pak Su Ya sendiri orangnya tidak banyak kerenah semasa hayatnya masih ada.

Catatan diperut ferry dalam perjalanan pulang.

Short Video Review - TAK PERNAH SUKA MAK

                                                                                         TAK PERNAH SU...